Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This was my perfume bottle, composition 5 perfume. I was done in acrylic and painted onto matte board. The bottle was painted on bristol board and glued down. and the paint splatter was done after experimentation in my alt. book. the letters were done ion bristol board also and were glued down with paint splatter on them to make it look like they have perfume sprayed on them also.


  1. I like this piece.. the way the perfumer looks as if it's actually being sprayed.. bravo!

  2. I think this is beautiful. It has a great layout.

  3. This is good, it is a little bit busy for me because of the focus point being right beside the big letters. It is almost as if the letters are taking away from the perfume bottle. Overall though a solid piece.

    1. i agree with santiago about it maybe being a little busy. but over all i love it! my favorite part is the splattered paint acting as the perfume.
