Monday, July 11, 2011

the closet

this is te closet prompt. i did our empty upstairs closet because i like the cady cornered shelfs. i used oil pastel on black paper.


  1. Nicole,
    Both you and Santiago decided to use oil paste for this week. I'm curious. This neutral color composition that demonstrates a complex 2-pt. perspective drawing. Your composition is very engaging. Couple of suggestions: 1) check the orthogonal lines with the corner of the ceiling and the back wall of the closet to make sure it is going toward the same vanishing pt. as the shelves, and 2) though it is not necessary, consider adding one small accent color (a pastel color that matches the low intensity of the yellow) as this would create a focal point that our eyes can grip on to.

    I'm curious about the dimensions.

    Love the fact that you turned this out so quickly and experimented with the drawing surface by using black. Well done!

  2. Sorry about the grammar. I should've proof-read it.
